Welcome to cbhanif.com
C.B. Hanif is NOW ONLINE at HanifOnMedia.com and InterFaith21.com!
C.B. Hanif is a former Palm Beach Post news ombudsman and editorial columnist. His journalism and affinity for humanity have carried him around the world.
Hanif is a freelance writer and editor for books and publications such as The Coastal Star newspaper. He also is a consultant and longtime advocate for interreligious and multicultural unity.
Based in West Palm Beach in South Florida, USA, C.B. still is listening to you the readers. He's also helping bring rationality to the too-often volatile mix of media, politics, faith, culture and technology issues.
Join in these conversations that are as broad as the universe and limited only by our imaginations.
Read more about C.B. Hanif the freelance writer, editor, blogger, lecturer, multimedia journalist and consultant.